Jazzi Jewelz Boutique where we put jazz in your step and your outfit

My love affair with Paparazzi Jewelry started back in November of 2018 when my neighbor invited me to one of her jewelry showings. I went I was eager to get out of the house, mingle with women my age, and also see what she had to offer. I knew was going to purchase jewelry, I didn't know i was going to fall in love.

When I arrived at the party everything was set up beautifully and the energy was amazing.The jewelry was so fashionable and had something to meet every taste, I couldn't decide I had only brought twenty dollars in cash with me. My neighbor did present the opportunity to her guest, but not in a pushy overpowering ways, she simply stated facts and shared her experience. Over the next couple of months I went to several parties my neighbor hosted and each time had a great time and left with more jewelry. I started watching her live jewelry shows and enjoyed the process of buying the jewelry instantly. My love for Paparazzi was growing stronger.

I am a nurse and have been one for 18 years but was eager to start a business to work at home. I love nursing but it is very demanding. I was tired of the long hours, missing events with my family, and never getting off when you are scheduled. I was burned out. I told my neighbor I'm going to join Paparazzi. I joined her team within a week. I was excited. Shortly after joining my neighbor and I headed to Atlanta for Paparazzi's EMP convention this is where I realized that i was head over heels in love with Paparazzi. The atmosphere was loving, uplifting, and filled with encouragement.

I am so in love with Paparazzi Jewelry. I love that Paparazzi is affordable, trendy, and fashionable. Paparazzi makes it easy to look great without breaking your bank!! Follow along on my journey with Paparazzi Jewelry there are so many great things to come, who knows you may fall in love too.


Jazzi Jewelz Boutique by Raven

  • Jun 03, 2019
  • Category: News
  • Comments: 0


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